Re: [Salon] Looking for Likud Support, Netanyahu Says He’s the Only One Who Can Prevent a Palestinian State

I hate to say it but it has become such a pattern now with DeCamp, much like Justin Raimondo once did in perpetrating the hoax that Trump actually intended to “end the endless wars,” when in fact he was building the US military up for “Peer Competitor War” against Russia and China, while immediately joining with Netanyahu in a clandestine kinetic war against Iran, that it has to be said. This is “War Propaganda by Omission,” as it places all blame on Biden for his co-belligerency with Netanyahu in the Israeli Genocidal War on Palestinians, and omits that Trump/DeSantis/Republicans regularly denounce  Biden, not for the genocide, but for his “weakness” in calling for some minimal constraint on Israeli War Crimes! With Republican promises, even more intensely than the worst Democrat, that Netanyahu and the Israeli Fascists will have their full support! As Trump gave them with all that he did during his Presidency; Golan, Jerusalem Embassy, etc. And now some want to do even more for the Israeli fascists by returning the Likud/Republicans to the POTUS. 

We’re FUBAR but the solution of those on the “Right,” to include libertarians from what I am seeing, with their “Propaganda Campaign by Omission,” is “Faster, Please? Is another f-ing Oligarch tax cut that important to them?

Read this in that light:

"According to Israeli media, in these meetings, Netanyahu has sold himself as the only one who can prevent the creation of a Palestinian state and stand up to pressure from the Americans. (Subtext: ,because I have 100% support of the Republican Party and especially, of all three front-runners for POTUS in the Republican Party, and all the “Cognitive Warfare” weaponry at my disposal to ensure their election less than a year away!)

“I am the only one who will prevent a Palestinian state in Gaza and [the West Bank] after the war,” Netanyahu told Likud lawmakers, according to Israel’s Kan public broadcaster. (See above.) 

On Nov 29, 2023, at 3:10 PM, Chas Freeman via Salon <> wrote:

Looking for Likud Support, Netanyahu Says He’s the Only One Who Can Prevent a Palestinian State

Netanyahu also boasted that he knows how to handle pressure from the US Posted on November 28, 2023

As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s political career is in peril due to his failure to prevent the October 7 Hamas attack on southern Israel, the Israeli leader has been meeting with members of his Likud party to ensure continued support.

According to Israeli media, in these meetings, Netanyahu has sold himself as the only one who can prevent the creation of a Palestinian state and stand up to pressure from the Americans.

“I am the only one who will prevent a Palestinian state in Gaza and [the West Bank] after the war,” Netanyahu told Likud lawmakers, according to Israel’s Kan public broadcaster.

Netanyahu has come under fire from his political opponents over his previous strategy of helping prop up Hamas to prevent a Palestinian state. In a now-infamous quote from 2019, Netanyahu said anyone “who wants to thwart the establishment of a Palestinian state has to support bolstering Hamas and transferring money to Hamas.”

Netanyahu continued, “This is part of our strategy – to isolate the Palestinians in Gaza from the Palestinians in the West Bank… It’s impossible to reach an agreement with them … Everyone knows this, but we control the height of the flames.”

President Biden has said he wants to see effort toward a two-state solution if Israel is successful in rooting out Hamas, but the US has placed no conditions on its military support for the war. Biden and his top aides have also said Israel can’t control Gaza after the war, an idea Netanyahu publicly rejected.

According to The Times of Israel, Netanyahu also told Likud lawmakers that the US didn’t want Israel to launch a ground invasion of Gaza and also didn’t want Israel to raid al-Shifa hospital in northern Gaza. He reportedly boasted of defying the US’s wishes.

Two US officials speaking to the Times challenged Netanyahu’s narrative, saying the US didn’t actually oppose the Israeli military actions but just expressed concerns about the protection of civilians. The US has continued to provide full military support for Israel despite the massive civilian casualties.

According to Kan, Netanyahu told Likud backbenchers, referring to Knesset members who don’t hold prominent positions, that he has “known Biden for more than 40 years” and knows “how to speak to the American public.”

Author: Dave DeCamp

Dave DeCamp is the news editor of, follow him on Twitter @decampdave.

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